Aankomst in Livorno, de enige haven van Toscane.
Populonia is een buitengewone getuigenis van een Etruskische “industriële” haven en deze site ligt vandaag héél idyllisch in een baai.
The necropolis of the San Cerbone is one of the most important cemeteries of the Etruscan city, Populonia. The graves that can be seen today were excavated between the beginning of the 1900's and in the 1960's. They were entirely covered by thick layers of iron slag , some dating back to ancient times. The cemetery was abandoned around the 4th-3rd century BCE as a result of increased iron ore smelting activities in the territory of Populonia.
The oldest evidence in this area, however, dates back to the 7th century BCE. This is the chronology of two circular tumulus tombs belonging to powerful and very wealthy families of the city of Populonia. During the 6th century BCE the necropolis continued to grow and new types of tombs were created. While no new tumulus tombs were built, aediculae or "shrine shaped tombs" started to appear. These also belonged to the most important families of the area and imitated the city's temples.